A Day in the Life of Mavis at “Switzer”.
Having had a good nights sleep (I usually do), I awake and say a ‘prayer’ of thanks, and ask for guidance for the coming day.
A cup of hot water is brought in about 6.20am, so now I’m up and about, to start my ablutions and dress for the day. I then make my bed and tidy my room, etc. By this time everyone is moving about and the 7.00am shift is in. I then still have time to do my bible reading for half an hour, before brekky. I leave for the dining room about 7.55am, where we enjoy our breakfast. My choice is toast and marmalade.
Spend a nice time with my dining table friend, chatting to her and anyone else who happens along. After brekky I usually head off outside to sit in the sun and feed the birds. I have some bread left over from the night before. I stay out there for a while and depending what is on our programme for the day, get ready to join in the bowls, or other activities. It varies. If the day is sunny I could be found heading out to get my scooter out of the shed and go for a ride on my bike.
“I go all around the streets and the people are very friendly”
I go all around the streets and the people are very friendly and are used to seeing me on my little scooter now. I also go down to the local town sometimes. I try to get back at morning tea time, put my scooter away and come in to find a nice cup of coffee and a freshly baked scone, or muffin, or little sandwiches.
Very nice but I’m putting on weight I fear. Must learn to say no, I guess. Any spare time I have is usually taken up with doing all sorts of puzzles. I’m addicted to them. However, we have art and craft mornings, as well as exercises, story times, walks outside with the Diversional Therapist, tai chi, massage clinic, stroke club, shopping trips, bus trips, etc, etc. There’s something going on every day, plus films for those who enjoy them.
Anyhow my mornings are kept busy one way or another. After lunch I like to put my feet up on my ‘lazy boy chair’, watch my programmes on TV, or just snooze. Afternoon tea comes around again. More food and drink, cake, pikelet and jam or little sandwiches. So much food. I then settle down to more puzzles or ‘visitor’s if my sons are in town. I get ready for tea, about 4.30pm. when I arrive back from a lovely tea, I get ready for my shower, which I go down and have. It’s all ready set out for me with towels, etc, etc. After my shower, I’m ready for bed, to watch TV until Nurse comes to massage my feet and legs, which I really look forward to. I also have a foot spa a couple of times a week.
My sons usually phones me at night for a chat and then it’s sleep time. I have a lovely view from my window. I can see our new vege garden and I love the big puriri tree with all the birds, even tui sometimes.
“We are so lucky with the beautifully kept gardens, full of beautiful flowers and shrubs. The flowers are so beautiful and give me such a sense of wellbeing.”

Meal Service
Delicious and nutritious meals are freshly prepared every day and special dietary needs are catered for. Simply inform the staff of any special food requirements you may have. A registered dietician reviews the menu/food service and is available to provide advice on any special dietary needs.
Click here to view our sample first week rotational Summer and Winter menu meal times are as follows:
Breakfast: 08.00am – 10.00am
Lunch: 12 noon – 01.00pm
Evening Meal: 05.00pm – 06.00pm
An early morning beverage is available before breakfast; Residents may have breakfast in bedroom if they wish. Morning tea 10.00am. Afternoon tea 2.30pm. Supper 7pm. In addition, drinks and hot beverages are available any time. Family/whanau are welcome to share a meal with you for a small cost. Please book in advance with the Registered Nurse or at Reception.
The Eden Alternative™ offers practical solutions to overcome feelings of loneliness, helplessness and boredom so often experienced by older people, whether living in their own homes or residential care environments. One of these solutions is the loving companionship of animals.
At Switzer we are working to integrate as many animals as we can to provide our residents with their companionship. We must ensure however, that the welfare of the animals is considered; they must be well cared for. We have a number of cats, budgies, fish and a cockatiel who are resident. We also welcome a number of visiting animals, dogs, rabbits, sheep and miniature horses.